Giving FAQS

What's a Tithe?

  • Tithe literally means 10%; to give the first 10% of what you make to God. For example, if you make $1000 per month, you would tithe $100. Tithing provides for the ministries at SHV, as well as the building costs, electricity, pastor and staff compensation, etc.

What's an Offering?

  • Offerings are what you give over and above your tithe. Offerings help fund outreach programs and other ministries that the church supports. For example, if you give money to help buy food for the food bank or to support one of SHV’s mission partners, this would be an offering.

Is tithing really biblical?

  • God calls His people to tithe many times throughout the Bible (Leviticus 27:30, Malachi 3:10, Numbers 18:26-29). Giving God our first and our best through the tithe is a way to honor Him – a way to give thanks for all He’s given us.

How to I tithe?

  • You can place your tithes and offerings in the silver buckets in the sanctuary during service, mail a check to the church, or tithe online.  If you have any questions, please contact us at

Are tithes and offerings tax-deductible?

  • Yes, though the amount is reduced by goods or services received in exchange for your money (i.e. a registration fee for the men’s breakfast is not a tithe nor tax-deductible). Your year-to-date giving information is available in your online giving account. Click the login link below to access your account. Giving letters are prepared annually by January 31st.  If you need a printed copy for your taxes, you can print directly from your online account, or you may contact us at